Create a university dream room filled with Greek pride that will make all of your sisters jealous. Load your room with University treasures.
Going away to uni or college is a momentous occasion full of changes and new stress. One way to alleviate stress is by creating an environment that is comfortable and an oasis from the stress of studying, making new friends and being away from home. Another way to cut down on stressors is by forging new bonds and friendships, something many young women do by joining a University. Combine the two and suddenly a University themed room emerges, making college life fun and fantastic for everyone.
University colours
Incorporating university colours into dorm or off campus housing is usually pretty easy as solid colours are basically everywhere. But finding unique ways to use colour in interior decorating without breaking any leases or dorm rules is a little more difficult.
Solid Canvases Paint artist canvases with solid colours or University letters or bold graphics that reflect the Universitys colours.
Bedding and other fabrics Use fabrics throughout the room to reflect University pride and colours from curtains to throw pillows to bedding.
Rugs Its easy enough to find a throw rug in University colours but latch hooking one with a simple pattern or Greek letter is much more exciting and personalized.
Paint Paint everything possible in University colours to give the room life and vibrancy. The more creative the painter, the more interesting the outcome.
University Bedding
As mentioned above, university bedding is a wonderful way to express Greek spirit and loyalty. Select custom made bedding designed specifically for a particular university or start a DIY project. You might also find a bed in your custom uni colours – they sometimes have them at this Leeds beds shop.
Sheets Solid coloured sheets are easy to find but by purchasing a couple different top sheets in University colours they can be cut up and sewn together to create a customized unique sheet set. The additional scraps can then be used for throw pillows and other accessories.
Comforters Comforters can be personalized with fabric paints and markers. Begin with a solid coloured comforter and paint the Greek letters largely on the center of the comforter or repeatedly paint it all over to create a pattern. Then have other University members sign the bedding and add notes from favorite activities to the comforter to create a treasured memento.
University Accessories
Adding accessories has been a long standing way of expressing the personality of the inhabitants and its a prime way to display University loyalty. One great thing about accessories is theyre typically inexpensive so solid accessories can be bought and decorated to be one of a kind masterpieces.
Throws Throw pillows, blankets and rugs are a great way to show University pride because theyre small inexpensive items than can change the entire atmosphere of a room, especially when rules or leases prohibit writing.
Artwork and Photos Start with frames that are exciting and vibrant and use matting that is connected to Greek life and then add photos of University sisters and group activities.
Desk/School Supplies College is about a lot of things but the most important thing should be education. This means there will be a lot of school supplies and desk equipment around, why not decorate it in University colours and emblems.